A collective journey of a fragmented yet reflective and humorous take on the inheritance of human imperfection. It tests the limits of expression through the act of singing along to the songs we can’t resist.The work is developed with a hybrid group of participants; trained and untrained performers. Materialized, performed or expressed otherwise, imperfections are tokens of the unexpected that reveal the performer's authentic self. Through willingly performing mistakes an intermedial conversation is created around breaking the image of modern living and re-valuing the nature of imperfections.

with performer Chandana Sarma | performer, sound Design Andrzej Konieczny | costumes Evita Rigert | artistic advice Adam Nillissen | participants Avital Fishman, Judith Moss, Laurentiu Soarece, Nicky Louise van Banning, Vincent  Boers, Mira Verbeeck Ghoos, Ofrat Raven, Lila Maria de Coninck, Ryan O'shea, Melissa Bori | co-production Het Nationale Theater | with the support of Gemeente Den Haag, Mondriaan Fund, Helicopter Studios

Slowly Letting Go of Something